not updating

i want to apologize for our lack of blog posts. it’s not there isn’t anything to blog about. it’s more that life is rather scattered and crazy for us right now. taking the time to blog about anything has been challenging.
also, i’ve been trying to update the look of our blog. i can’t seem to decide what i want or how i want it to look. until then, the look will switch between familiar and random. :)

oh and the question most people seem to ask – have we heard anything about our adoption? well no, not really. we are still waiting. some days are easier than others. and some days we wish people wouldn’t ask if we’ve heard anything. instead, we wish they would say something like “i thought about you and i hope your adoption journey is going well.” simple, yet concerned. it really is out of our control.

William James Fullerton Pufall

A dear friend from my college days in Pensacola, Florida, passed away over the weekend. and while the unexpected loss of one so amazing and so loved by so many still hurts my heart, i wanted to share his obituary here.

Will Pufall’s Obituary

My heart goes out to Harvest Church Pensacola, as well as the Pufall family. Will touched so many lives in a deep, profound way through his love of Jesus and his passion for music. The Kingdom has been made a better place because of his worship leader’s heart, and now Will is standing with his Creator and his heart’s desire.  Thank You Lord for blessing us with Will and his gifts. May his legacy prove to be a bigger blessing back to You.

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