Celebrating 8 Years…

Today Jon & I are celebrating 8 years of marriage. Time sure flies when you’re living life to the fullest.
Check out this little digital scrapbook page I did just for us: Jon & Jamesie

Freedom Fest 2007

It’s that time again…our BIG party of the year! We planned, and prepped, and worked, and slaved, and then had lots of FUN with those of our friends who could join us this year.
Here are some pics to highlight the day.
If you look real close, you can see the plane formation through the tree line…it’s the only pic that I took that you can actually tell the specks in the sky are planes.

While watching parts of the air show, I really missed having my dad around to tell me what each plane was. I’m sure he would have loved to see the fighter jet zooming over our backyard. maybe next year Dad?

Here’s a pic of Jon torturing Jim Dreier’s sons on the neighbor’s trampoline.

Later on, Landon decided to show the boys how not to light fireworks. His example does come in handy for those moments when safety is important. The boys learned to watch out for backfire and upper lips.

As always, we were pretty tired from all of the work involved into having 50 people at our house and from all the volleyball we played until dark. Looking forward to what next year’s party will be like…

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