Jamesie’s Tweets on 2008-12-13

  • feeling partied out; i know i won’t get to sleep before 2. jon is already fast asleep. even the berkeley is snoring hard. zzzz’s elude me. #
  • starbucks drive-thru=convenience. starbucks drive-thru=wrong drink. starbucks drive-thru=unhappy customer 3 miles down the road. #
  • headed to client Christmas party @ palais royale. #

Jamesie’s Tweets on 2008-12-12

  • trying not to get too worked up watching the bears-saints game. i don’t know how many times i’ve yelled “c’mon already.” #
  • wonders if this is a sugar crash i’m feeling or will i get to fall asleep at a normal time? #
  • not in the zone to work. just not feeling it. *sigh* #
  • double entertainment date night. dinner theater @ ZC, then wilson’s reservoir @ the spring. it’s going to be a long night! #

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