getting ready
So it’s that time of year for us – our annual Freedom Fest Party where we invite our family and friends over to our house for an afternoon into the night of food and fun, while the airshow and fireworks happen behind our house at the Goshen Municipal Airport.
This year NO ONE in our family is coming!
- No Mom & Dad Morningstar – they’re in Costa Rica on a missions trip right now.
- No Luke & Gretchen – they have a band gig that day.
- No Danette & Chad – they have previous plans with family.
- and no Mom & Dad O’Toole – well, they live in Florida, and didn’t make it up to Indiana this year.
But we expect a good turnout of friends, new and old. As always, we will be supplying the Guamanian ribs (Uncle Joe’s recipe, yummy!!!), rice and Hawaiian-style not Amish-style potato salad, while everyone else brings the rest of the food. We’ll also put up our kiddy pool for any of our younger friends whose parents will let them wade and splash around in it.
Although there’s a lot of work to do before the party, like cleaning the house, setting up the volleyball net, and preparing the ribs, we look forward to this event just because we love our friends (and family who aren’t joining us) and we love to hang out.
I promise to post pics after Saturday!