Travels Archives

In Loving Memory…

Has someone ever touched your life in such a positive & remarkable way that you know you are forever changed from your relationship with them? That no matter how many years go by or how many life changes you experience, that person’s influence is an embedded fingerprint on your life?

During my formative early years as a believer in Christ, I was fortunate to be blessed with multiple mentors who helped teach me and encourage me to be the woman of God I was destined to be. One of those remarkable people was Patrick T. Daley. Although his wife Deirdre was my primary mentor, Patrick was also quite involved in my life. I could not have asked for a more perfect couple to guide me along some fairly rocky roads and show me the way of living for Christ. From them, I learned more than I could have every imagined. I learned through their example what a life of discipleship really means, and for that alone, I will always be grateful.

In so many ways, I consider Patrick my spiritual father. Spiritual fatherhood is not a widely understood practice in the traditional Protestant-type church. Many of us know what discipleship means, but spiritual fatherhood is much more personal and much deeper. One’s spiritual father truly gets into your life and helps guide you along in your faith.

There is so much to be said about spiritual fatherhood and the importance of it, but now is not the time or place. This is my brief moment to share with you all about the tremendous impact Patrick had on my life.

On September 29, 2006, Patrick departed from this earthly life to the glorious one awaiting him in heaven. His body succumbed to the ravages of an adult form of leukemia (I do not recall the exact type that he had) and all the secondary conditions that arise from having a diminished immune system. We learned of his emergency admission to the hospital while our friends Jeremy & Becky were visiting, and within 2 weeks, Patrick was gone… Jon & I have not visited Pensacola or seen Patrick since April 2002. We already made plans to meet with him & Deirdre during our trip in early November for the wedding of one of my closest friends, Jodi. So to hear that we weren’t even going to be able to get caught up with how our lives have been during the past 4 years or how our future plans are changing was an incredible loss for me. I didn’t get to say goodbye in person. and I didn’t get to tell Patrick face-to-face how much I loved him and how I valued his input and influence in my life. As I have gotten older, and gained a little more wisdom, I have realized the genuine impact such a life as Patrick’s has had on me personally. and I really wanted to hug him and tell him THANK YOU.

In retrospect, I know that Patrick knew how much I appreciated what he did for me and for Jon. I was even able to send out a brief email to him shortly before his hospital admission saying such. But it’s not quite the same as hearing it or saying it in person.

What do I do now with my life, after knowing that I have a responsibility of carrying on the torch? I live passionately for Christ and I help others find who they are designed to be by God. I live my life according to the truth I know and the examples that have been set for me. and I pray diligently for those who do not follow Christ, so that they can also be transformed into His image and impact their communities.
Thank you JESUS for divinely appointing Patrick as my spiritual father and for allowing me to learn from the feet of one of Your own.

Most of you have come to my blog to see photos and hear about Vern & Melissa’s wedding. After all, that was the whole reason for us driving 9 hours to Minneapolis, and here I have made you wait for 3 posts. This weekend was the first Jon & I had gotten away in awhile, and so it was a serious little vacation for us. (Our BIG vacation will come at the end of October – Florida here we come!)

They chose the historic quaint town of Stillwater, Minnesota as the backdrop to their wedding photos and a place for guests to stroll around before boarding the riverboat. After driving 45 minutes northeast of Minneapolis, we could see why they chose to host their wedding in this beautiful place.The local courthouse proved to be the perfect location to take their wedding party pictures. We decided we needed to seize the opportunity of a gorgeous backdrop for some of our own photos. Can you see the river just pass the tree line? I’m almost positive a sunshiney day would have made the view even more amazing.

The paddlewheel boat provided by
Andiamo Showboats, was ideal for a wedding to remember. Unfortunately, the rainy weather prevented an outdoor ceremony of the top level of the riverboat Empress, but with some quick thinking and speedy hands, the lower level was re-arranged to host the guests and the wedding as we embarked on the Cook-Schrock Wedding along the St. Croix River. Vern & Melissa were married in a lovely ceremony by their pastor from Pensacola, Florida, Bobby Lepinay. Despite the uncooperative wet weather outside, the fun of the festivities in the riverboat made our journey well worth the trip.

One of my highlights was Jon dancing, and not only with me when he was supposed to, but during other moments of merriment. I think he danced more with Lamar & Jeanna than with me! and that was perfectly ok with me, since watching him and laughing at their pure enjoyment was all I really needed.

We disembarked from the riverboat close to 10:30 pm after helping clear the boat of the decorations and presents, and said our goodbyes and blessings to the happily married couple.

Monday morning seemed to pass us by as we recuperated from all the excitement and fun of the previous day’s activities – we didn’t check out of our hotel until noon! So our long journey back to Goshen was non-eventful, but we were all glad that we had the opportunity to celebrate with our friend as he committed himself to his lovely bride for as long as they both shall live…

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