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stepped aside in a different direction

i’ve been meaning to post something here about our decision to step aside from leadership of lifeSOURCE, the young adult community group at our church Zion Chapel, but we were in a “hold” pattern for some time, and it only seems like we could say something now…

jon & i decided a few months ago to seek release from leading this group that we’ve headed for well over 3 years.  we wanted to step aside properly and in the best possible way that we could.  we wanted to know how God wanted us to relinquish leadership and when to do it.  we met with Steve a few times, as well as our co-leaders, to figure out when, how, why, and all that leaving a group entails… a few weeks ago, we invited Steve & Jim (church pastors), along with members of the prophetic team to our Sunday night meeting to pray with us as a group and to seek their counsel. we really wanted to do this transition in a healthy way…

what we’ve learned in the past few weeks is that stepping aside is hard, but also necessary.  it allows others to pursue what God has for them in their next season of life.  it allows upcoming leaders to take that step of faith to discovering what it means to be a leader.  it allows us to trust God even more for His wisdom.  and it confirms our sense of obedience that brings about His peace.  so as we trek down a different direction than what has been our (personal & church) life for 3 1/2 years, we wait upon God to show us what He has for us on this path. 

also, please know that that our decision isn’t because of anything negative that has happened. we are still serving at and attending Zion.  what we don’t know is what will be happening with lifeSOURCE.  we met a couple of weeks ago with everyone and it was pretty unanimous that they want to continue to meet.  so, the current plan is for everyone to pray about it for a couple of weeks, and the first Sunday in April everyone (except us) plans on getting together to determine the next steps.

We just wanted everyone to know where we are and why we’re there.  any questions, feel free to call us or email. we’d love to hear from you!

Memories 2007

Well, the year is basically over, and as I take a moment to reflect what I’ve done this year, I realized just how full our lives are. It’s a good thing, really. Just a wow moment of seeing just how busy I’ve been…

Here are some of my memories of the year 2007:

  • the truck window failing to go up during freezing weather in Indy 
  • major accident on the way to florida 
  • Mom & Dad Morningstar’s new house
  • lacasa’s help-a-house 2007
  • an appreciation dinner from our lifeSOURCE friends
  • Memorial Day Bash
  • Annual Freedom Fest party
  • our 8th year of marriage
  • O’Toole Ohana trip to Hawaii
  • Cedar Point
  • The Post Thanksgiving meal
  • Berkeley losing 3 of his teeth
  • new children of our family & friends - Ezra, Nathaniel, Clara and Davi
  • rediscovering TupperToys
  • getting bangs for the 1st time in 15 years
  • midnight shopping on Black Friday for the 1st time
  • 40 Days of Community
  • playing city league volleyball with my husband

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